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Brag Document

What is a brag document?

A brag document is a list of stuff you did at or besides work. It is great for showing what you did to your manager when it comes to raises. Additionally, it helps you to reflect on what you worked on. I find it useful to see how far you have come and what you have accomplished.

How often should I update it?

Update it regularly, like weekly or biweekly so you don’t forget anything.

Sample Structure

Here is a sample structure for your brag document:


Write about the goals you have for this year. At the end of the year, you could also include goals for the next year.


On what projects did you work? And how did you contribute?

Design & Documentation

Did you wrote documentation or created a design?

Company building

Did you help to grow the company, e.g. through recruiting or attending trade fairs?

What did you learn?

Have you learned a new skill? Or did you get certified in something?

Outside of work

Show your accomplishments outside of your work. This could be:

  • articles/blog posts
  • talks
  • open source work
  • private projects
  • industry recognition

This article was inspired by Julia Evans article.